When I began this blanket, I had some cotton warp on the loom that could accommodate one more blanket before running out. Here’s some photos of how that warp was prepared this summer and dyed before getting onto the loom, followed by a photo of today’s progress. The warp for this piece is made of 304 threads, measured out on a warping board, which you see in the photos below. After running the thread over the same path between pegs 304 times, you gather the threads up to dye them and thread them through the loom’s beater and harnesses. This warp was dyed with fresh black walnut dye from the tree on Washington Street. The other materials you see in the blanket below are a the Clun Forest warp you’ve watched me spin, some handspun Gotland wool from Washington, VT (the grey,) some handspun shetland dyed with indigo and two tapestry yarns dyed with frozen avocado pits and fresh marigolds with some iron to change the color from yellow to green. It seemed appropriate to stick with materials that had a very close connection to the immediate surrounding landscape (or as close as I could get to Barre City,) to weave this particular blanket inspired by the streetscape.